I'm an ardent admirer of technology (flair for technology as I coined it!) - it makes our work easier and simpler. But sometime, making things simpler can end up creating complexity. My recent experience with the Jet Lite website rightly demonstrates so.
The website provides the facility to check Flight Status but thanks to the complexity they've created (probably to make things simpler), I was unable to use it.
I wanted to check the status of a flight which was scheduled to land at Kolkata Airport (CCU) at 2340 hours. So, I searched for Arrivals by Airport and selected the date and the airport from the drop-down list. Now comes the complicated part - I had to select the earliest time and latest time (both in hours and both drop-downs providing numbers from 00 to 23). Since I wanted to check the flight status between 23 hours and 00 hours, I selected the options accordingly.
Bleep - "Choose latest time greater than earliest time" - erupted the error in red!
"Preposterous!" - I exclaimed. The site has a validation script which prevents entering the latest time lesser than the earliest time and hence preventing me from checking the status of any flight scheduled between 2300 hours and 2359 hours! Thank you Mr. IT Guy who programmed the script!
I intend to post a link to this post as a feedback to Jet Lite (since the site does not accept a feedback more than 200 characters - another complexity!). Hope they fix up the bug(s) soon!
as the things r getting easy by the day so is the reverse happening.
technology can be a boon and also a bane sumtimes.
chalte rehata hai bhai....
bhugatna to hoga hi...
nice observation!! i believe u must have posted a feedback on their site for the same... :)
@ Ankit - Yups, posted a link to this blog. They had sent me an email and then called me up too. They've assured that the problem would be fixed up soon!
I was tagged and so after all the hectic answering from my end I take the pleasure of tagging you.
Hope you will have all the fun.
Rules and details can be had from what I did here-
Take care,
B well,
Urs ever,
Yogesh Goel
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